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结尾墙壁坍塌,从家里切换到东京街头的镜头很惊艳,影片充斥着魔幻诡异的画面、鲜明的彩色滤镜和各种意象隐喻,看的有点眼花缭乱和疲惫,也可能是传递的压迫感和割裂感太强烈 // 男主和儿时自己下棋的画面像是一个装置艺术,想起第七封印里和死神下棋,田园背景里有不断理发的人,漫画一样的指向右侧的手,巨大的火柴盒,欢呼的士兵 // 被麻绳捆绑的坏掉的时钟,被母亲绑架束缚的童年,扫黑风暴40集在线观看免费完整版无法逃脱的时间
Cause of death: savage gutting; crime weapon: playing cards. The Cincinnati kid (Steve McQueen) is a prodigy of the stud poker game, but is he going to dethrone the most reputable player of all, “the man” himself (G. Robinson)? And will the earnest dealer and friend of both (Karl Malden) remain impartial? A dream cast at the service of a minimal though sharp story. As far as scripting goes, sometimes less is more – it makes every action, though innocuous it may seem, actually loaded with meaning. By the time the twist-in-the-tail ending slams down ruthlessly, we reel back & ponder the forces that drove to the fateful outcome. The writing was on the wall, we just weren't inclined to read.